Smod Blues 2: Electric Boogaloo
Sup guys, Remember this thread?
That was a year ago tomorrow and I'm doing it again! All the changes in a year are pretty impressive and let's cover it (the mod part anyway).
Our mod team has grown since last year with the addition of the A-Team and then the fall of the A-Team, The market squid, New admins, New Smods and the reappearance of the toriagent and gamekeeper groups. Over a year, a lot has happened.
kitfox still sucks though
- Let's look into what Smods do.
- Help monitor the forums for free
- In general terms, Help people with *insert thing here* **On a daily basis**
- Deal with infractions and possible hatred because of it *On a daily basis*
- Deal with account issues (hacking, scaming etc)
In common terms, they're the police (DEMIGODS) of the forum. With the power and the blue name (:
D) comes a price.
Let's start out with
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> ok jalis
[13:46] == jalis_ has changed nick to jalis
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> So, I don't think you were an smod last year
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> but
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> you ARE this year
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> right
[13:47] <+jalis> Yeah.
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> How is it so far?
[13:47] <+jalis> I became an smod uh...
[13:47] <+jalis> a month ago? two months?
[13:47] <+jalis> Well, it's not as exciting as I thought it would be.
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> Lotsa work?
[13:47] <+jalis> No one's insulted me for dealing infractions so far or anything like that.
[13:47] <+jalis> Not really
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> Hmm do you think
[13:48] <+jalis> I'm mostly doing reports, I don't actively patrol any board or anything
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> that if you were an smod last year,
[13:48] <+jalis> (I should. But that's irrelevant)
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> it would be more interesting?
[13:48] <+jalis> Hmm
[13:48] <+jalis> Probably
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> Why?
[13:48] <+jalis> But if I became an smod last year, I probably wouldn't have kept the position.
[13:49] <+jalis> ChrisDom, just a feeling, and all the phoenix stuff happened last year.
[13:49] <@ChrisDom> Oh yeah
[13:49] <+jalis> As well as the lulziest clan league. Or was that in 2008?
[13:49] <@ChrisDom> I remember that now
[13:49] <@ChrisDom> Wouldn't that be more of a clan admin job?
[13:50] <+jalis> Most likely.
[13:50] <@ChrisDom> Do you like your job so far
[13:50] <+jalis> But it did get escalated outside of the clan forums pretty fast
[13:50] <+jalis> Yeah
[13:50] <@ChrisDom> What do you like?
[13:51] <+jalis> About being an smod?
[13:51] <+jalis> Hmm
[13:51] <+jalis> Having something to do.
[13:51] <+jalis> And yelling at people.
[13:51] <+jalis> And having them beg for mercy after they've severely broken the forum rules.
[13:51] <+jalis> It feels good, man.
[13:51] <@ChrisDom> Sounds good.
[13:52] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you would be more suited for another job?
[13:52] <+jalis> Like this Edsonmilan guy yesterday.
[13:52] <+jalis> ChrisDom, suited? Probably not.
[13:52] <@ChrisDom> How about interested
[13:52] <+jalis> Any position above smod is always interesting.
[13:52] <+jalis> inb4claims of me being powerhungry.
[13:53] <@ChrisDom> Well a-team takes a lot of work from what I hear
[13:53] <+jalis> a-team doesn't exist from what I understand.
[13:53] <+jalis> Anymore.
[13:53] <@ChrisDom> it doesn't?
[13:53] <+jalis> Yeah
[13:54] <@ChrisDom> Ah, it's just admin now
[13:54] <+jalis> Yeah.
[13:54] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you would like to be an admin?
[13:54] <+jalis> Probably
[13:54] <+jalis> Curiosity mainly.
[13:55] <+jalis> What exactly they do that we can't, well, how they do it, rather.
[13:55] <@ChrisDom> More backdoor-ish
[13:55] <+jalis> Yeah.
[13:55] <+jalis> And you know I love backdoors.
[13:55] <@ChrisDom> who doesnt?
[13:55] <+jalis> chac.
[13:55] <@ChrisDom> LOL
[13:56] <@ChrisDom> 1 more question
[13:56] <@ChrisDom> What do you think of the current mod team?
[13:56] <+jalis> chac loves the front. If you catch my drift.
[13:56] <+jalis> Everyone's doing their job and being nice.
[13:56] <+jalis> So it's pretty boring.
[13:57] <+jalis> I'd love more drama.
[13:57] <+jalis> But nooo
[13:57] <+jalis> Everyone's playing nice. :(
[13:57] <@ChrisDom> Moderators being moderators this year.
[13:57] <@ChrisDom> straight-forward
[13:57] <+jalis> More like boring.
[13:57] <@ChrisDom> Well, thanks jalis.
[13:58] <+jalis> You're welcome.
[13:58] <@ChrisDom> If I were you, I'll try out for market,
[13:58] <+jalis> ChrisDom
[13:58] <@ChrisDom> LOADS OF DRAMA THERE
[13:58] <+jalis> You forget that I'm... sort of supposed to be there.
[13:58] <+jalis> And art.
[13:58] <@ChrisDom> oh yeah
Jalis: He's bored.
And I have a bonus interview with
[14:12] <@ChrisDom> k
[14:12] <@ChrisDom> ready
[14:12] <+DrSHARK> alguem br?
[14:12] <+DrSHARK> huahsuashasuahauhasuashasu
[14:13] <+DrSHARK> just start ffs
[14:13] <@ChrisDom> k
[14:13] <@ChrisDom> So Dr.Shark
[14:13] <@ChrisDom> you've been around for a long time huh?
[14:13] <+DrSHARK> i'm a newfag
[14:13] <+DrSHARK> you mocking me?
[14:14] <@ChrisDom> huehueahueheuhue
[14:14] <@ChrisDom> And what's it like modding wibbles
[14:14] <+DrSHARK> i'm the rim
[14:14] <@ChrisDom> oh ya, I have one of these
[14:15] <@ChrisDom> So apparently, you don't catch all of the shit
[14:15] <+DrSHARK> bet you don't need an external tank for it
[14:15] <@ChrisDom> One question.
[14:15] <+DrSHARK> i'm a bad mod and wibbles is a bad forum
[14:15] <@ChrisDom> Are you a FINNISH shark?
[14:16] <+DrSHARK> you mean jalis? i'm not jalis's alt if that's what you're asking
[14:16] <@ChrisDom> ok
[14:16] <+DrSHARK> did your mother abuse you ?
[14:16] <@ChrisDom> How much do you hate dolphins?
[14:17] <+DrSHARK> dolphins are gay and intelligent, i hate intelligent beings
[14:17] <+DrSHARK> AND GAYS
[14:17] <@ChrisDom> They are food.
[14:17] <+DrSHARK> i couldnt agree more
[14:17] <@ChrisDom> You were the first doctor right?
[14:18] <+DrSHARK> i'm not william hartnell
[14:18] <@ChrisDom> good point
[14:18] <@ChrisDom> What's your degree in?
[14:18] <@ChrisDom> Doctor shark.
[14:18] <+DrSHARK> human studies
[14:19] <@ChrisDom> I see, i see
[14:19] <@ChrisDom> Do you study alot?
[14:20] <+DrSHARK> no
[14:20] <@ChrisDom> no human studies in human studies
[14:21] <+DrSHARK> what about the relationship with your brother? were you two close?
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> Nope.
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> He's a dick actually
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> wait what
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> NO
[14:21] <@ChrisDom> Et ole hai Olet lääkäri
[14:22] <+DrSHARK> would you rather describe his dick as succulent and dry instead of hot and moist?
[14:23] <@ChrisDom> Nope, this is done.
[14:23] <@ChrisDom> Thank you Dr.Shark
[14:23] <+DrSHARK> what about your father's penis?
[14:23] <@ChrisDom> THANK YOU SHARK
[14:23] == DrSHARK was kicked from #interview by ChrisDom [wibble]
DrShark is really
Last edited by ChrisDom; Jun 30, 2010 at 03:55 AM.