Original Post
+Editing problems
When I tried
to update my DSC, it shows so many stuff like
[Cente r] [Font=Arial ] Etc.
Last edited by Fee; Jun 29, 2010 at 02:29 PM.
Well you probally mistyped and did it.
The only way you can clean it up is get of your lazy ass and do it yourself.

Your [DSC] is appearing in BBCode. Either use a tutorial to learn BBCode. OR change your options in the User CP and change Message Editor Interface at the bottom to "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing".

That should fix it, unless you're using Google Chrome. Doesn't seem to work on Chrome.
I think he means that he has too much BBcode in his DSC's first post that it becomes hard to recognise where the words are.

Info on clan event

The Guardian Code
1. Don't double clan
2. Do not flame other Guardians
3. Respect fellow Guardians and other players
4. Use common sense.
5. Do not use our DSC as a market.
6. Do not spam.

Using this part of his DSC as an example, you can get rid of the BBcode that's used more than once.
I fixed this part up a bit and got rid of most of the un needed BBcode, and may fix the rest and post it on your DSC if I have the time.

Info on clan event

The Guardian Code

1. Don't double clan
2. Do not flame other Guardians
3. Respect fellow Guardians and other players
4. Use common sense.
5. Do not use our DSC as a market.
6. Do not spam.