Meh, in many respects they are right, and in many others they are wrong. The show tackles the issue of self defense specifically, and they foolishly use self defense and martial arts on the show almost interchangeably.
They are right in that, in many situations, what you learn in martial arts is not going to save you at gun point, and that many martial arts studios advertise "self defense" as their motto which is far from what you actually learn in dojos.
The goal of martial arts (generally), however, is to promote things like discipline instead of "how to beat bad guys". The problem with advertising self-defense is that when faced with a gun, many maneuvers will result in you getting killed, but handing over your wallet (I think they used this in the show), generally will not.
Belts are probably best considered these days at a motivational commodity. If someone stayed white belt their entire career, they would quit eventually.
tl;dr Martial arts is not and should not be about self defense.
Fuckin lol'd at how they got an elderly woman who is interested in the mental aspects of Taichi to represent it as a personal defense.
They also totally ignored the hobby asspect of Martial Arts, including arenas like Mixed Martial Arts which is plenty good and, if you enjoy it, you might as well spend money on it.
Penn and Teller are playing to a conglomerate of idiots who engage in martial arts for idiot reasons, and they've preached to them expertly. They have, however, totally missed the point of true martial arts. The responses so far in this thread only cement this further.
Last edited by m0o; Jul 2, 2010 at 12:21 PM.