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[Help]Throwing Uke head
Hey guise, i need some tips and tricks to throw Uke head on his body and make it explode like some other replays i saw.
Look at the replay below and tell me what shold i do to hit Uke, instead of throwing the head a way
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Head_fail1.rpl (85.2 KB, 20 views)
Buckshot Aspirin to ease ur headache
i have tryed i am not any pro you are better then me but i did hit him on the arm but not on the body
look at this
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Originally Posted by YouDown View Post
Hey guise, i need some tips and tricks to throw Uke head on his body and make it explode like some other replays i saw.
Look at the replay below and tell me what shold i do to hit Uke, instead of throwing the head a way

You need selfdamage for that. /set damage 1 before making a replay. Or edit the notepad file. Too lazy to find a hacking tut, use the search button with your prime.

Also, you need way more force to dm with that, it also needs to hit something.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash