Original Post
whats going on?
I downloaded a load of updates for my graphics card, and i lost my shader model 4

and guess what replaced it, go on guess i will be posting a img soon But only if you guys guess.

this is a shocking new discuvery

added img[delteted] added video

Last edited by ObnBot; Jul 9, 2010 at 04:15 PM.
...This seems to be lame and fail.

Well now that you've wasted my time do you want help fixing your drivers?
i just want to know why hes getting !4k frames, thats intense.
i cant even get 9 frames

it looks like you lost your blood as well...
it's tagknife.... this guy seems to exaggerate stuff (no offense but honestly you talk like you know more than you do) so i wouldn't doubt this image has been edited though i'm not saying anything to the fact that his shaders were edited out i'm just saying i don't trust tagknife
You don't say?
I do think that is edited, the 3 numbers after 14(cba to scroll back up again) aren't as "clean" Looking as the others if you look closely.
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[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

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