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The Future of Entertainment
As I see it, movies are dying because of pirating. The movie theater used to give an experience because the darkness and the size of the screen and the sound system. But now people have all that stuff at home. Peoples TVs at home are good enough that they would download movies. What kind of entertainment can provide an experience you can't get from a recording? A live play. But plays are so boring. There aren't any special effects, just lights, clothes, a backdrop, etc.

tl;dr Would you watch a live play directed by Michael Bay?
Another reasong might be because of lack of originallity on movies. They are now just either remaking movies or making bunch of movies about the same thing (take all the vampire movies as an example).

Would I go to a play? no.
Better than your mΩm
also, totally not trolling
They're remaking movies because spending lots of time to make a good movie doesnt get so much any more. Pirated, done. No profit. If all movies get less profit, how do you get profit? Make more movies. Make many, as fast as possible, with cliffhangers and sequels. Who cares about quality, as long as theres enough to get that sequel in.
Don't tell me that a bunch of movies about fucking vampires isn't annoying though? People just get bored of it, and stop watching it.
But you're right, they should do more to stop illegal pirating.
Better than your mΩm
also, totally not trolling
No, I wouldn't watch a live play.

Too boring...... Honestly, I would probably have to walk out 10 minutes in.

It's the same with pirating games, except for one thing.....

While they really arn't doing anything to stop movie piracy.....

Game developers/publishers, like Ubisoft, actually seem to be encouraging piracy while at the same time they try to stop it.

All Ubisofts ( Am I thinking of the right company? ) so called " Fixes " to piracy only make it worse.

Also, I'm new to Discussion, I recently left Wibbles because it started to get too troll filled....
(O_O)------Surprise Buttsecks Face.
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
But it's a live play with explosions and megan fox. And robots?

Then hell yeah.
Better than your mΩm
also, totally not trolling
God you guys have no culture. I still go to plays frequently and I'm in quite a few. Live plays are already enough, and with "professional" movie directors, sure, they can be even more interesting.

But more than likely some new huge form of entertainment will pop up sooner than likely, and theatre isn't new.
plays eh?

well i dont think its the fututre, its the past, the future is three d movies which you can partake in somewhat like virtual reality... i'd pay for something like that

i always go for the the 3d it makes it a whole lot cooler....plays are ok but they're way to drama-ie for me. unless they have fireworks and or 'splosions in which case they are worth it.
I go to live plays quite often myself. If it is done right then it is much better than a film. But I don't think the film industry is being killed by piracy. I mean Avatar grossed over two billion dollars, and most decent films are still turning over large profits.