My first 150k dmg. (May not be new)
Demo Settings.
[EDIT]Hold all[/EDIT]
Contract Pecs.
Raise Shoulders.
Contract Abs.
Extend Ankles.
Space x1.
Grabby hands.
Lower shoulders.
Space x 1.
Raise Shoulders.
Space x 2.
Lower Shoulders.
Contract Hips.
Extend Knees.
Space x 3.
Extend Hips.
Space x 4.
Raise Shoulders.
Contract Glutes
Space x Y (Do this until the head ALMOST comes off)
Contract Knees.
Ungrab Hands.
Extend Glutes
Extend Pecs.
Extend Knees.
Extend Wrists.
Press P.
May not be perfect, because it's how it USUALLY works...It doesn't always work...but it usually does...
Try it.
[EDIT]Well...I retryed it and it worked for me...added the Hold all part...dunno why some people can't do it...=\[/EDIT]