Obviously we hold human lives above animals. If we didn't we wouldn't be on top of the food chain. That's simple, we do, and most definitely should hold ourselves above other life forms.
The other, tougher topic to get into, is asking about human lives; are there different values for different people?
As was asked before, would a murderer be worth the same as a doctor? (switched out priest to take away the religious tone)
I would say no, a convicted criminal is not worth as much as a doctor. Why?
A doctor saves lives, makes people happy because their family members get to live to see another day, where as a murderer takes lives, making people sad to lose a member of their family.
For one person to provide happiness and pleasure, and another to provide pain and sadness, I would pick the one giving out happiness.
Sure there are gray areas, such as picking out of two people you've never met before, but that only comes into play if they're just that, strangers, then they are equal. It is only when the potential pleasure or pain they can bring into the world can you make a decision saying which life is worth more.