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Sex vs Violence, Government vs Parents


TL;DR: A Wii game has sexual content, like licking a controler and spanking other players. Parents are outraged. No outrage was raged over excessively violent games being played on the console. Parents seem to think just because a game has a certain rating means that they are powerless to stop them.

So there are 2 issues here at play;

1) Perception of acceptability of Sex and Violence. Why is it that we view light spanking as so outrageous, whilst many kids play Call of Duty, in which you emulate soldiers and slaughter each other for fun, a game in which you receive bonuses for killing more people, the bonus being the ability to kill even more people! Extreme violence is allowed, implied sexual innuendo is not.

2) Parents acting like parents vs government censorship. Parents think it is the government's job to decide what their kids should see, not only that, but they expect the government to enforce it too! In Australia the situation is somewhat different to other countries, as we have no R18+ rating and so any game that would be for adults, becomes a children's game (yes, children in my CoD becomes annoying). Whilst in other countries, such as the US, there seems to be no concern at all, often there are kids there playing CoD even though it is rated much too high for them.
No nudity, no violence, and most importantly, no obligation to play it or harm done to a child after playing said videogame, the guys with the ratings shouldn't even have bothered putting one.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Parents don't want to take the blame for their kids having a chance to play an erotic game, so they immediately blame someone else and get pissed about it.

Same old stuff, really. Having a choice is simply too hard.
violence should slowly be subjected to kids as they get older, or at least to a level where they can comprehend it, and not have it scare them into a closet, or shoot their school halfway to hell.

As for sex, I grew up in a time where you would laugh your ass off if one of your friends said "booby". Today I feel that kids are starting to look at...desired parts of both sexes to young nowadays. I wouldn't say games do this, more like an explosion of social network sites. Now kids are more inclined to get a girlfriend at like, age of 11, 12. I still thought girls were gross at that age.

I don't think a government should sensor media like videogames. Who's responsibility is it? Well, I think the kids. Obviously parents are a factor, but in the end, it's the kid who utters "die motherfucker!". I wouldn't eat for a night if I said that XD. Parents should be stricter in behaviour, leinent on games, movies, etc.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
To respond to your proposed issues:

1) As they mentioned in the story, there is no actual spanking involved in the game, only in the advertisement. The game itself is quite tame, the most it includes is innuendo, suggestion and a game where a Wii remote is balanced between foreheads, the players lips "nearly touching"
Heaven forbid!

Comparing this to the violence, there is no question it is a tame game, no matter the age.
Although I am more liberal on these issues, I believe games should be open to purchase for any age group, it is up to the consumers and their guardians to filter what gets to be played.
It's as simple as looking at a game, and maybe playing a few minutes of it before allowing a child to roam free in the world of "cartoon characters in bras and pants." (We Dare)

2) I touched on this in my previous point, governments should not censor any form of media. Certain quality control measures should be taken for respected outlets such as news stations, but that is more the job of the people in charge of the network, not the government.
Having the government tell us what we can and cannot play is simply the product of parents complaining about what they've deemed inappropriate. If they don't like the content, don't allow your child to watch/play whatever it is you don't like.
By the time the child is old enough to make a decision to go to a store, buy a game, and play it (assuming the parent didn't give the child money and bring them to the store) they are ready to see whatever it is they bought.

In the end, it's up to the guardians to censor, not the government.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

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Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
violence should slowly be subjected to kids as they get older, or at least to a level where they can comprehend it, and not have it scare them into a closet, or shoot their school halfway to hell.

There is no proven correlation between playing violent videogames and becoming a violent person. I've played violent games since young childhood, I've never hit a person.
As for sex, I grew up in a time where you would laugh your ass off if one of your friends said "booby". Today I feel that kids are starting to look at...desired parts of both sexes to young nowadays. I wouldn't say games do this, more like an explosion of social network sites. Now kids are more inclined to get a girlfriend at like, age of 11, 12.

Children should be properly taught about sexuality and their genders at early age instead of trying to shoo it away as some naughty, shameful little secret. Besides, kids become "boyfriend and girlfriend" even at daycare, it doesn't have to end up in pregnancy. I won't say that I don't cringe when I hear about 12 year olds having sex, 11 year olds being rapists and the sexualisation of young girls in dancing/cheerleading competitions (how the fuck is that even remotely okay in a world where you can't even upload family photos from the beach) and etc. I'm just saying that it should be more out in the open instead of something shameful.
I still thought girls were gross at that age.

I don't think a government should sensor media like videogames. Who's responsibility is it? Well, I think the kids. Obviously parents are a factor, but in the end, it's the kid who utters "die motherfucker!". I wouldn't eat for a night if I said that XD. Parents should be stricter in behaviour, leinent on games, movies, etc.

No, I agree. The parent should raise their child, life is not (and should not be attempted as) a daycare.

On another note, I really don't understand why sexuality is so taboo and violence isn't either. At first, complaining about video-game violence was all the rage, but then the angry mob of soccermoms just decided to get pissy as soon as something can be interpreted as sexual. God, just holding the wiimote is sexual, if you know what I mean ;).
Last edited by dalir; Mar 5, 2011 at 09:48 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
It's not the gov job to choose what our child see... it's a parent's job, they have the power to stop their sons.
Example: When i was young my friend played Grand Theft Auto Vice City, one day, my friend give it to me, but my dad didn't let me play.
It's a parent job to choose what your child can play, and I think that violent games, and ehm... never played a sexual game xD, but nothing should be ban. Game are made to be fun, what do you learn from them is your choice.

Sorry for bad english u.u
Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
violence should slowly be subjected to kids as they get older, or at least to a level where they can comprehend it, and not have it scare them into a closet, or shoot their school halfway to hell.

I first played Doom when I was 4 years old. Obviously it had a huge impact on my life and I'm an incredibly violent person.

Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
I don't think a government should sensor media like videogames. Who's responsibility is it? Well, I think the kids. Obviously parents are a factor, but in the end, it's the kid who utters "die motherfucker!". I wouldn't eat for a night if I said that XD. Parents should be stricter in behaviour, leinent on games, movies, etc.

Well for someone who thinks that kids can't comprehend violence in video games, you sure put a lot of blame on the kids. IMO, the parents should be the people governing that stuff. A kid isn't going to know what's good for them until they get older.
Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
violence should slowly be subjected to kids as they get older

I don't understand.

Sex is a normal natural part of life, that is actually beneficial.

Violence is condemned and not wanted at all.

Why should we subject children to violence but not sex?