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[Solved]How to post a replay on a thread?
So i needed help but im supposed to post a replay otherwise the thread will close yet I don't know how to post a replay.
Now, when you are posting, bellow the message box there should be a button called " Go advanced".
Click on that button, than scroll down and find a button called " manage attachments". click on it.
After that, just find the file you want to attach and upload it, simple as that.
Go to your tb icon.

Right click on it.

Click Properties.

Look for open file location, and click it.

Look around, and look for Replays, right click on it, then open it.

Move it to another file. (I'd move it to documents)

Then do what, Maylene said.

<Assuming, that you didn't move the replay to a section
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
Here is the Manage Attachment image

Then search your replay then upload it, and simply.... close attachment window (if it bothers you) then you post reply

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Problem solved
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd