VIDEO GAMES BEING BANNED!!! read Up On this because of a school esay i have to do and heard on whats happening so i wrote my essay here:
From 3rd Hour Mrs.Jake
Hello, I am here today to talk to you about why video games should not be banned because of their mature content. I believe that mature rated video games should not be banned because it is a way for the developers of the game to express themselves. As far as I’m concerned the U.S. has a document called the bill of rights correct? And in these rights does it not state in the very first amendment that we, as Americans, have the right to free speech and also the freedom of the press does it not? If you truly believe in this 1st amendment right then why do you not let these video game developers express themselves the best (if not the only) way they can just as you and I like to express our selves. Continue reading so that I may explain why mature rated games are not so bad after all.
Although studies have shown that mature rated video games can cause a certain increase in aggression, but video games rarely relate to murders or crime. Most of the “incidents” that have been thought to have been caused by video games were never backed up with evidence that the video game was involved with the crime at all (again MOST of the time). Take Virginia tech massacre of 2007, for example, after the massacre was over many people claimed that the killer was an avid “Counter-Strike” player. This later was disproved by the police who found no evidence suggesting that the video game was to blame. Still many people insisted that it was the video game’s fault afterwards. Most people just like to blame things on stuff that they do not like In order to get them in trouble.
Another point I must state is that if a video game has so much impact on people because of the violence, drugs, and such then why don’t movies, books, and music fall under the category of “dangerous to society”? Movies contain just as much (maybe even more) violent scenes of people, REAL people, suffering through pain and murder and such (I’m looking at you SAW) so why do the movies not fall under the category of “dangerous”, because they appeal to the audiences. What about music you may ask? How is this “dangerous”? Well music is just as dangerous because it is easily available to most audiences, especially children. Rap for example is a genre of music usually talking about one’s life and experiences, which most likely end up being that they killed someone. How is that any better than video games?
My last point I want to get across is the distribution of mature rated content to children. Why do you think it is that most children have played games like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty? It’s because of the parents. Who else would get the game for the child; they themselves cannot buy a mature rated video game. The only reason children are exposed to the violence and crime of some games is because of the parent’s ignorance. Most parents blame the game for encouraging their kid to do violent and offensive acts, when in reality it was their own fault all along. Children’s mind’s are like sponges. The child always wants to replicate what they see and if what they see is a man strangling a cat, they would want to strangle a cat too simply because they saw someone do it. If parents want to expose their kids to violent material, they should not blame the inanimate picture or movie for teaching their kid to sell drugs.
In conclusion I do not think that mature rated video games should be banned. As I stated before it is not the content’s fault, it is the parents own fault for exposing their child to such content. Video games are not the only violent material out there. Movies, music, and books fall under such category too. I hope you give my words a thought or two. Thank you for your time and patience.
I Hope They Do SomeThing About THIS!!