Halo 3 CG Ad
Did anyone catch it on ESPN? If not, there's hosts everywhere. Go to halo.bungie.org for all kinds of stuff. Anyway, if someone wants a writeup...
It starts out with two children lying in a flattened out patch of tall grass. It is night time and the childrens' faces are too dim to be made out at this point. It is in an aerial view and one is on the left, one on the right. Tha camera zooms in slowly.
"You ever wonder what's up there?" says one child.
"Like what?" The other responds.
The camera shifts to a view from behind the childrens' heads, showing the starry night in the background, camera still zooming.
"Maybe someone up there was wondering what it's like here." Says the first kid.
The camera changes revealing a girl's face from the side.
"I guess. Do you think we'll ever meet them?" She asks.
Again, the camera changes, showing the boy's face, angle is vice versa.
"I hope so. Don't you?" The boy says.
The camera changes to a view of a Spartan's helmet lying in the grass. At the worst time for it to happen, in the middle of the quiet night, there is a terrible screaming sound. The helmet, in the same position, is now in a skortch-marked desert, in the blink of an eye. There is an explosion in the background and dust is kicked up in plumes. The camera pans up to show lots of jet engine streaks in the sky. While the cam moves, you see a Spartan's gauntlet rise, and it looks as if it is grabbing for something. The view is from a Spartan's perspective. It pans to the left, and there again you see the helmet lying. You can hear voices faintly over the com. The child's words echo through. Do you think we'll ever meet them? The hand grasps the headgear, and twists it around to the right side. The hands then bring the helmet's opening up, and then the cam plunges into darkness. You hear a familiar hissing sound. There is then a fly around view of a fully suited Spartan, probably Spartan-117, our hero, the Master Chief. The camera stops at one point on the ground, the washed out sounds now clear, and there you see an MA5C assault rifle. The Spartan begins to stand up from his kneeling position. The cam changes to a different position, panning down on the horizon. Artillery streaks the air. Blue artillery. The Spartan rises with the rifle slung un his shoulder. "Any sign of the Chief?" says a voice over the com. He clicks it into a clamp on his back. "Negative, I think we've lost him." says another. The cam changes to the Spartan's head, from a low angle. We hear a familiar voice.
"Not yet." The Spartan says. It's him. It's the Master Chief. The man who did the impossible.
Camera pans down to reveal he's holding a device unknown. He clicks a button on top and the gadget extends, flashes blue and beeps. The cam changes and you see him literally slam the thing into the ground. He is holding a retro Halo 1 pistol in his left hand. The view zooms out and shows an artillery barrage flying through the air. A sphere-shield forms around the walking tank and we can see hexagonal segments. One strike impacts nearly feet from the shield. We see a mongoose ATV destroyed in the explosion and a wheel flies towards the cam. The cam shows the shield shut off, and the Spartan takes off running, a familiar drum beat playing in the background. He holsters his sidearm and unslings his rifle, charging toward a ridge edge. We see a Brute pack over the edge, one in the middle of the two-dozen with a hammer. The Spartan lunges off, and the cam changes to a Brute perspective. The Chief's feet close in on the cam with a blur.