Clan Boards that need to be Cleansed.
Basically, went through all the official clans' boards and monitoring the amount of spammy/off topic threads. Trying to get them to use one common thread for anything un-related/off topic. And deleting spam threads.
When you have fixed up the clan, please change it to italics. Don't rush through these, as to do it properly you need to skim through the threads etc...
Those that are verging on spammy just need a kick up the butt and one or two threads fixed up.
Best way to fix most of these is to get each and every clan to use the one common "Off topic Thread" for all unrelated posts.
List of clans to be cleared up:
Heavy Spam:
[a] Adventure ~ Improving
[C3] Colon 3 ~ Improving
[CW] Corrupted Waffles ~ Improving
[Wicked] Wicked
Verging on Spammy:
[Evil] Evil
[f] Fr3styL
[Hunters] Hunters (well, until they fell inactivish)
[ICOF] Inner Calm Outer Fury (sorta)
[JollyR] Jolly Rodger
[KiLa] KiLa
[Pandora] Pandora
[Piratez] Piratez
[Secret] Secret
[Verdict] Verdict
[VorteX] VorteX
List of clans that are clean:
Little or no spam:
[42] 42
[Addicted] Addicted
[Aeon] Aeon
[Bleu] Blue
[DaF] Dead and Forgotten
[Elite] Elite
[Essence] Essence
[eVo] Evolution
[Fish] Fish
[F-K] Forget and Kill (also, they used their private board inappropriately)
[Guardians] Guardians
[o] Incognito (these guys have it sorted)
[MM] Movie Masters
[Omega] Omega
[Pure] Pure
[r] Raid
[raku] raku
[Sigma] Sigma
[Tint] Tint
[TLL] The Last Legion
[TPC] The Pie Clan
[Urban] UrbanUnit
[vibe] vibe
Old school clans
[Bncy] Bouncy
[Guru] Guru (only idle on an IRC channel #toriguru)
[MAD] Maraud And Decapitate (Not that it matters)
[NO] (Not that it matters)
[Spirit] Spirit (Not that it matters)
[Torigod] Torigod (Not that it matters)
[Sheep] Sheep
[Parrot] Parrot
Looking inactive:
[DAT] Death and Taxes
[DP] Death Plague
[Ele] Element
[i] Inquisitor
[RelaxAll] RelaxAll
[Sin] Sin
[T] T
[Zero] Zero
Need translation:
[Abyss] Abyss
[Aliens] Aliens
[BtC] Best time Crew
[CT] Chaos Theory
[Damned] Damned
[Fire] Fire ~ Improving
[Fr_Death] Fr_Death
[FROG] French Radical Occult Gang (active on external forums)
[g] Gangsters
[GerU] German Underground
[Hack] Hack
[Impro] Impro
[Latin] Latin
[MLNM] Millennium
[UTM] Ultimatum
(German clans I want Nirs or Korvin to double check)
Special Mention:
RAWR gets a lot of useless posts from other members, just like MAD did.
Is there anything that needs to be set in place to prevent this, or...?
Last edited by Uric; May 2, 2011 at 04:02 AM.