suggestion for tournament
I say we have a tournament That goes like this(just a suggestion)
rd 1.Infants vs Cloogoo
rd 2.otherone vs Pedobear
rd 3.Qwerty111 vs Lumier
rd 4.2worlds vs Goo4yoo
rd 5.xxsteveoxx vs thegnome54
rd 6.kinhiI vs Culapou
rd 7.Taptappogi vs Davidicus
rd 8.Vergil vs AragingJew
rd 9. Slingdot vs Codez95
Note: i got this by reading the member list top to bottom
to win, you have to win twice out of 3 times.
The winners of rd 1 and 2 face each other, 3 and 4, etc. etc.
Sadly, there is an extra Round, which means after the First Overall round(all9) there are going to be 9 people in. so i say, the person who took the least amount of time to win gets to stay out(Just for the overall round) Then after that round there are going to be 5 people, and just repeat until it evens out.
I say we do this for the Head texture competition :]
Last edited by Infants; Mar 2, 2008 at 06:00 PM.
Reason: lumeir = lumier