Original Post
[S]Head Flame ID#8, Forged by hampa.
This head flame was forged by hampa, and is the 8th of it's kind. I would like to see some good offers on this, as it was appraised as about 80k. True, the flame itself is not worth that much, but the fact that hampa made it, and it being made a while ago, causes it's value to go up exponentially. I am accepting only tc at the moment, or some item offer that will shock me. I am open to haggling, but at the moment, I'm wanting about 75-80k for it.
Flame: solitude
Forged by hampa on 2009-03-08 00:16:06 for the Head ( 8 ).

EDIT: Yes, I know that there is another thread selling this flame, but they sold it to me.

An image of it.
Last edited by Nameless; Apr 3, 2011 at 07:26 PM.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Originally Posted by thenamelessone View Post
Added an image.

my screenshot -_-

User infracted. Useless post.
Last edited by Jump74; Apr 3, 2011 at 01:50 PM.
Evil Guy
Oh, Ha Ha Ha, that was funny. Did you not read the first post, where it says that it was valued at 75-80k! I'm going down now, maybe 60k.
#Magnus - #Sigma
An interesting offer, but I'd still only get about 50k max for those on the market. If you could add some TC or maybe another good item?
#Magnus - #Sigma
umm look for another item you want and i will add it coz my tc count is low atm