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Original Post
[TLOD] The Lightning Of Decapitation

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The legend tells that there was a place called the Land of Lightning. This is a place where everyone, evil or good, can be purified. People go there seeking the salvation of their souls.
However that happened a long time ago.

One day a person called Hampa introduced the World Toribash. This is a world with no pain and no death. Everything can be redone. Thus no one sought purification any longer. Until one day a flash of lightning hit the ground.

That was the flash of decapitation, the only treasure left from the Land of Lightning that was brought to this new world.

Some people who saw the lighting recalled the ancient legend, and they believed that the flash of decapitation has the power of purification.

Then their journey seeking for the ancient treasure began.

Now the clan Lightning of Decapitation is found, to gather everyone who seek purity and for we will eventually find the flash of decapitation and even use it as a key to access the Land of Lighting once again, and purify everyone in the world of Toribash


CLAN CO LDR-[biggems]
CLAN CO LDR-[lumpysolo]

1. no flaming/hating/spaming on here i can't stress that enough.
2.all members who do not agree with this get out.
3.respect all clan members (are as people say treat others the way you want to be treated).
4.Anyone is able to join wether you like them are not if they want to join they can with the carefull thought of the clan ldr/co ldr
5.Think before you post bad grammer and un-ruley posts will not be tolerated.

belt(must be at least a brown are a realy good blue belt)-
fav mod-
why you want to join-
about yourself anything we should know you should also add here-

1.get 5 members[ ]
2.get 10 members[ ]
3.get 10k in bank[ ]
4.get 20k in bank[ ]
5.get 50k in bank[ ]
6.become official[ ] a clan war[ ]

single allies

caln allies
none yet

================>TheOfficialAnnouncements<======== ========

clan bank is TLOD donations should be sent to him thank you.
Last edited by biggems; Apr 8, 2011 at 03:08 AM.
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
================>The Official Announcements<================
(this post is for listing official announcements that are yet to be updated by biggems on the one above)

Clan IRC

Please login as long as you can when you are free.

Clan bank: TLODbank

Schedule for this week till 9.April.2011:
1. settle out clan rules
2. get 2k in our bank
Last edited by LTomZH; Apr 7, 2011 at 08:16 PM.
"Ikorose, Shinso!" Member of: [Bleu] Bleu, [Aka] Akatsuki.| Leader of [TLOD] The Lightning of Decapitation| Art: Gimp(Texture), Photography
kk lumpy me and you are now co ldrs and LT is ldr kk making change now
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
K man! Now! Lt look at the recruirments for a desc! And we need to set up a banner!
Oh and u guys have to post here a lot Wwoootttt
Oh and I'll make the bank for u guys!
How about this as a banner?
Last edited by lumpysolo; Apr 7, 2011 at 04:24 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
lump, come in-game and /jo tlod so we can talk :3
"Ikorose, Shinso!" Member of: [Bleu] Bleu, [Aka] Akatsuki.| Leader of [TLOD] The Lightning of Decapitation| Art: Gimp(Texture), Photography
lumpy it might be hard to use tht but if you can ut the words The lightning of decapitation on there it might work

oh and lumpy join us ingame
/jo tlod
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
Ummm... Now what?
Sorry guys I am on my phone :l wanna join an IRC? I post the link!
Last edited by TLODBank; Apr 7, 2011 at 04:31 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
lumpy tht is you right come ingame and join us
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.