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is the price of objects on toribash to expensive?
I have looked on many forms about this and many people say:
"if everybody had these things they wouldn't be rare anymore"
"it makes u want to do better to get the next object"

but are the prices becoming to varied? e.g:
void (black) blood -240,000 tc
Chronos (pink) Blood - 25 tc

What makes black better than pink? why the random priceing?

I would love to here your views on this!
Things vary because it's a relatively loose market here. People are free to compete with prices, and thus there will always be a degree of change constantly.

The pricing isn't random. Generally, more desirable (consensus wise) colors like black and navy blue cost more, along with the fact that there's less of them. If everyone had them, people wouldn't want them as much.

A basic economics class could teach you how all this works, really.
<insert (something) here>
That is how the market works.
Demand makes one item better than another.
Demand and supply or also known as competition dictate the price of items on the market.

It is simple Adam Smith.

The random pricing is not as random as it seems.
The cheap, not so cool and high in demand colors are cheap so the newcomers can customize their toris.
The average colors are more expensive and so on.

The TSA's decide which ones are supposed to be expensive and which ones should be avaible for the average users.
They do that to balance the economy.

BTW: You might be interested in this article.
How are you?
why are items rare?:
these arnt real objects, there is no factory some where making toribash blood XD
these can be made by the click oh hampas button so why are they rare?
The low priced items are all sold out meaning new people cant get anything at all. So yes, items that should be low price, are too expensive in the market.
They are rare because they are rare. :| There are not as many around to satisfy the demand and therefore they are rare.
Why is water wet? Because it is.

Next time you could just google the definition yourself.
How are you?
He could make any items he wishes to, you are correct.

However, if they keep adding items to the economy, then item prices will drop.

If item prices drop too far, nabi (the company that is incharge of toribash) makes money from this game when normal users buy tc or boosters from them.

If you don't need much tc because prices are so low, you wont buy boosters and tc, and nabi will not make any money.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Profit of the company that makes the game; Nabi.

You do want toribash to exist, right?

Also, closed