Original Post
[FREE] Silver clan heads giveaway.

Hey guys.Me and whole [S]ilver clan are glad to present you a thread where you can always get nice head for free.

All the heads here are made by [S]ilver special for this thread.
They are so simple but not so bad and i will add to that thread
new heads every weekend :3

Rules are simple.
1.The first who posts something under the head's flat
recieves a right to wear it and to be it's owner.
If you see that someone wears your head too repot him to GM.
When you sure you've left the first post,
just download it and wear it.
2.Everyone who wants to get head MUST know official
rules for free heads.
The main one is: you can not sell it.
3.Not taking requests here and not trading anything.

4.Also no recolor.If you dont like the color just dont
take it and let to do it someone else :3

I think that's it and have fun!
Who wanna be the first to recieve this one? :3

Made by IseeU.
Awsome head, Also is it ok to make a free head domain again?
Last edited by urmybch1; Apr 23, 2011 at 11:30 PM.

Oh ok thought you had to do the same thing that that guy did, It is a good system, Also are you sure you're allowed to open one of these again? Cause last time I did it got closed.

I dont think i broke any rules.
If i did, GM will close it and infract me :3
But i hope i did not :3