As a christian I should be against this, but maybe I am not a good christian. I believe that people created all those lies because they believed they can live better life with them (yes, christianity is starting to seem like lie to me). Why there are so many religions? Why there is not only one? Is it because it is just fancy(*1)? Many cultures have their own god/s, religions, based or not, on some events which we cant say with 100% probability that happened. What I want to say is, that world, society, system cant leave thier way of life, way of thinking as is now, yes there are people who dont believe in "higher being", but I mean whole world as is. "Morality" is the only thing which dont allow you rape unknown woman on the street, or something like that (you know what I mean, dont take it literaly). It is just learned thing, being imparted from childhood. But I dont want to imagine what will world look like without all that...
* - words marked with this symbol are those which I was unsure with.
*1 - creations of our minds
Last edited by RIPPERSVK; Apr 26, 2011 at 04:52 AM.