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Drugs: The greatest hypocrisy
Gentlemen, you can look back in American history and point any number of occasions and point out how this government has been a total hypocrite to its founding principles. Many would argue that our "alphabet agency" control of our economy has been the biggest hypocrisy, but an even more apparent hypocrisy to me has been the government's policy on drugs. Why?
It completely violates the idea of personal sovereignty
While many point out various arguments for the criminalization of drugs as "your behavior affects other people" or "you can do violent things on drugs", the underlying argument has always been "we're making a decision for you because we know how to protect your safety and well being better than you." and I just have to point out that is an argument that has been made by every dictatorship and autocracy ever made. Its the argument that the communists, absolutists, fascists, etc all used for their abuse of power.
What if somebody does coke in their basement and doesn't interact with anyone else during the time they're high? Well then its not a problem, except for the individual. Under rights theory, you are endowed any right as long as it does not compromise the rights of others, so considering nobody's rights are bing compromised when you make the personal decision to do drugs, it should be a right.
But why does nobody care? Social stigmas, tyranny of the majority, etc etc
I understand many of you feel that there are more pressing issues at hand like the economy and what not, but to me the government's policy on drugs is a giant black spot on what our founding fathers had in mind. Imagine, what if the government took the same stance on food as they did with drugs? Would there be an uproar then? Of course there would and all of you would be making the same arguments I am right now.
Freedom of thought, freedom of choice, freedom itself. Legalize
I think you're missing the part where the government is in fact allowed to look after your best interests, and that drugs can easily be lethal.

Whine about how the man is pressing down on you, but you don't have much control over what you see and do when on hard drugs. Your behavior can hurt yourself and others.

Hahahaah, did you just compare drugs to food?
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Hey look more than two lines.
Please, I beg of you. Stop making discussion topics filled with garbage. Besides, legalization of drugs (Typically Marijuana) has been discussed within the past 3 pages anyway, so I'm going to close this.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee
