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Lets play Lemmings!!!
found it!!! the whole version of lemmings!!!

riiight there, see that link above me? thats it!!!! so...gimme ur thoughts, and say how well you do
the objective of war is not to die for your country....its to make the other poor bastard die for his!!!
I have it on PSP.
I still can't understand why the hell did I spent around err idk € on PSP... I don't even play it.
Yesh, but I have it in PSP, I have went about 40 levels and got bored and got bored to the whole PSP.
mmm i dont like psp....i find it tacky
the objective of war is not to die for your country....its to make the other poor bastard die for his!!!
Tonaiki: will you ever run out of tc and toriboosters?!?!
[Triforce]SilentStrike –=:2nd dan Blackbelt:=–

Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
My old mac used to pick up radio when I touched the audio cable to my braces.