Original Post
Do young people have too much freedom on the internet?
In today's society, parents are free to leave their children sat in front of a computer screen believing they are safe from the outside world. But are they. The internet can give biased opinions on important issues, and encourage young people to get involved in immoral activities.

Dangers of the internet to very young people
  • They can get involved with crime
  • They can get access to violent video footage.
  • They can go onto sites and agree to meet people they don't know
  • They can watch pornography
  • They can get other youths involved in these activities
I know that many of you may argue that not all children will do these things, some of you may say that pornography is harmless. But consider both points of view. There also benefits of the internet such as help with homework. Keeping in touch with friends. What I'm really asking is, do the benefits outweigh the risks?
hmmm immorality? many people are getting confronted with reality everywhyere outside as well as inside... the internet just is a second world ofc with its good and bad sides... i for myself dont watch porn even if i am attracted of females and males ... it somehow disgustes me... but:
it might be true that porn harms usual sex in rl...
also: You cant stop it you cant do anything ...thats as almost everywhere an adjucation-fail
They can get access to violent video footage.

ever seen a normal movie in the cinemas since the last years? thats violence...
They can go onto sites and agree to meet people they don't know

my mum somewhen told me not to do this ... guess what i never did in my live...
They can get involved with crime

im living in a 2mio+ city so... i dont agree with that point of view... school is the place where both sides of violence are really really strong:
Psychic as well as physic ...
They can watch pornography

they can have sex in rl as well even if porn doesnt have very múch to do with that
They can get other youths involved in these activities

such as?... also: school... A: hey bud wanna smoke weed after school B: yeah why not
Last edited by pinheads; May 24, 2011 at 10:13 PM.
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Firstly the question wasn't about real life, nut I understand your point of view. Secondly, all the kids inside these schools have learned those things from somewhere
Yes, the benefits out way the potential down sides, by far. The internet is a hugely valuable resource of information on almost anything. The point which needs to be made here is that parents need to do some actual parenting. They wouldn't let their 10 year old son wonder off into the big bad world by himself without imposing some guidelines and protection. Neither should they (knowing the content) allow the child to freely surf the internet without first setting boundaries. Same with social networking and that type of thing, any parent who knowingly lets a child meet someone they met online is a brainless sack of meat. Sure, allow your kids to make a profile, have them set it to private and check to ensure they keep it this way.

As kids get older, e.g. 16, teach them about the dangers of the internet. That people may not be who they claim, that not everything is legitimate and that there is disturbing content. Slowly allow more freedom as they begin to formulate their own common sense and opinions. In short, treat the internet as they would treat the rest of the child's life, while they are too immature to make their own decisions do it for them and impose rules/restrictions as they get older introduce them to more freedom with some guidance. Don't slander one of society's most valuable assets because some dumb shits can't bring up children correctly.
Last edited by Fee; May 25, 2011 at 02:36 AM.
Well, my parents really restricted most of these even now they havent acknowledged that I grew up. I found my mother forbidding me of playing mario cart online when I was 14. Thats over protection.

What parents need to say to their child is that the internet is as dangerous as real life. You dont start talking about private information to somebody you dont know. If you teach them this at young age, they will start off not responding to anyhting people say in chat. But, the problem is, for examples my parents, when it comes to over protection. If you do so, your children will go on forums/chats without you knowing about it. You do not want to teach your child how to hide, because this will make a new problem: child is confident he can hide everything from everyone. (And no, I do not ahve to hide to go on toribash community and I can play online games as I want)

Internet, if well used, can be a benefit.

Also, young people for me is beetwen 10-14. Yes, at 10 years old your child isnt ready to start posting and chatting, but if you teach him well, he can play online games and will have my first reaction.

example 1:Nice kilL!
liquidoom; thanks!
example 1: lets make a clan together!
liquidoom: hmmm...i dont know
example1: were do you live?
liquidoom disconnected game

So, basically if you teach your children well at young age they wont use that freedom. later, they will grow up and know what is good an right, and gain responsibility
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The risks are worth it. I'm "young" and I'm not an idiot. If you are an idiot and do stupid things on the web, it's on you. Porn is fine, meeting people online is fine(just be smart about it) and people can watch what videos they want.
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
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first off the internet isnot good and not bad. but parents need to watch what there kids are doing. Like one time my friend was watching porn and his dad came in on him and he was like "WTF ARE YOU WATCHING!!!". Now he is grounded from eletronics for a LONG time. One time my little brother was listening to lil wayne uncensored with the speakers turn up loud and then he started cussing and he got a beating.My other friend started a fight in the bathroom and it was a good fight until the other boy got knocked out and then we got caught and had 3 weeks of iss. You know why my friend started the fight, "because this punk was talkin bout me on the internet.A officer at my school was having sex with a teacher at my school (and she wasnt even hot) in the classroom and like 1 month earlier i overheard my mom and she said something about a officer messing with teachers online.Im 12 and my mom and dad know i dont do that shizzle but i cant have a facebook acount :P. i have like 4 accounts where you can play and talk to other people around the world. these types of chatting systems can b good or the inernet rite now is medicore
Have you ever wondered what a pink waffle would look like? http://*******/NfTqyv
I'm young and don't do any dumb stuff on the internet.
Iv'e only chatted with a 12 year old on skype without the video so thats pretty safe also.
I think it helps them learn so go for it
but alot of kids this day and age are smart enough not to fall for pedophiles we evolved
I believe young is around 11 and below.
I started toribash at that age and I'm not a fucked up satanic pedo.