Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
We gunna do this?
I know we have some talented artists in this clan dammit.
I'd love to help any way I can if we gunna do it.... Time's running out and no1 has said anything.... Give some feedback? |:
(I'm not good at art I have no idea what to do but if we have to I'll give it a try.) We don't have any chance not entering but if we enter, we might still have a chance of something. The slightest chance means there's possibility.
On top of that it'd help our clan reputation, and activeness more members would want to join more ppls would hear about us etc... So guys what u think? |:
Last edited by Inuyasha11; Jun 2, 2011 at 12:04 AM.
Either rlly funny (hoping comedy might win it) (or something rlly epic yet $crubbish at the same time. I liked some of the entries I saw before. But I mean I'm not good at this and some1 with skills (Ik there are members that have that) should do it instead and make Evil more prominent throughout Toribash.)
Anyone got some skills?
i think we should attempt this but my worry is that we don't have 5 active members :/ let alone artists

<------- hand drawn by myself used photoshop for touch ups and coloring. not the best i could do but i used it to test out my phone for transferring images into photoshop.
Last edited by Organ; Jun 2, 2011 at 06:07 AM.
You don't say?
Originally Posted by Organ View Post
i think we should attempt this but my worry is that we don't have 5 active members :/ let alone artists

<------- hand drawn by myself used photoshop for touch ups and coloring. not the best i could do but i used it to test out my phone for transferring images into photoshop.

We need some artists for this clan. |: