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HD6950 vid card problem
I have an ASUS EAH6950 Video card, and it started to act weirdly.

I recently experienced this problem:

It appeared in every game, and even in benchmark programs.

I bought this vid card like a month ago, and this problem just showed up recently.

Edit: I tried both the old, and new drivers, same result.

Umm... any ideas, what can cause this?
I wouldn't call those artifacts (they're normally multicoloured), though I would certainly say that card is being cooked.

The card should idle at around 40-45c & at load anything upto 80c. I'm guessing yours is going through the roof on load.
(you can check the temp on the overdrive tab in Catalyst)

This is where we find out he's got it stuck in a general everyday case that's incapable of cooling it correctly. ¬_¬

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Nah, it's temp was moving around 48-52°C,and the ventillators are spinning really slowly, so that woudln't be a problem.

Somebody from another site said that it is caused by a messed up vga memory, but I won't run tests for that, I guess I wouldn't be able to repair it, and it would get messed up more than it is now.

But I guess what is the problem, I let the "SmartDoctor" set the clock rate, and it might f***ed it up.
I won't let it do that again, or I won't even install it.

By the way, I reinstalled windows, and found out that it is not a software problem(aww no shit), and Ill take the card back to the shop today, thanks god it has warranty(it is a brand new card).

Thanks for the help though.
