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The significance(or lack therein) of the death of Osama Bin Laden
So this did indeed happen a good amount of time ago, but I never saw anyone make a thread on this topic. So, as it would be interesting to hear the views of others upon this topic, I'm making this thread.

To give a bit of background on this, for thsoe who do not know, Osama Bin Laden was located and subsequently killed on May 2, 2011. My question is, what is the significance of this event? Moreover, how much of a victory is it really, for anyone opposing Al Qaeda? True, he was an infamous man, and masterminded many nefarious plans, but how much did his death really effect the war on terrorism? I, personally believe that while his death dealt a temporary shock to the terrorists, it will have almost no lasting effect that will assist us. True, they lost their leader, but how long until someone steps up to replace him, a man perhaps even worse than him, and with all the terrorists enraged at his death, he could succeed in even worse crimes than his predecessor. Discuss this with me, and if you would, don't just agree, give your own opinion, or expand on mine, if that is what you need to do.
#Magnus - #Sigma
nbc world news or something said it threw al queada of track like 3 days ago.

I think it really doesn't matter.You killed a man who blew up buildings so what. Theres gonna be another terrorist just like him or maybe even better.
i think the problemme here is diplomatic due to the invasion of paquistan to kill a man.

But i think it was good on the overall, terrorism is being defeated step by step and that makes the world better. But on the other hand this may bring more war, or is bringing ( dont know ) more war. And war is bad.

Too bad religion isnt respected due to political reasons.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
one: We invaded another country unrelated to our "war"
two: Bin laden has been dead since December 13th of 2001
three:There were no photos of the assaination of the current "world's most notorious man", the "ace of spades", yet we plastered the face of every other terrorist's face across paper's along the world's media after we systematically killed them.

Anyone with a brain or someone with a timeline can tell that this is an obvious politcal stunt to "kill the boogyman" in order to gain approval from a populus.
Well really to me his death didnt really affect Al Qaeda sure brought them back but no real harm.Reports did come in on how he was planning to kill Obama in the Semptember 11th 10th anniversary but to me its a win on Obama's side because in truth Obama killed Bin Laden because he was losing face and needed something to bring him back for a second term and also gloat to Donald Trump that he killed Bin Laden.
Say: Eye Spell: Map Say Ness :3
neufawkes: If you would so kindly link me to a reliable source stating that he was killed on the date that you have referenced, It would be much appreciated.

Also, this discussion is not on the many other political facets of huis death. It is on the significance, and impact on the war on terrorism on a whole. I just wanted to make that a little bit more clear as it would appear some did not fully grasp this.
#Magnus - #Sigma
A war is almost entirely political though usually they are started because a couple of people can't agree on something (in very basic terms at least). What else would you have us discuss otherwise the entire annihilation of this one group of people? sounds like genocide...

So heres what i think, I come from a long line of wannabe conspiracy theorists and this is what we have come up with when discussing the issue. I believe that Osama was just a face for the terrorist group, Al Qaeda. I think that our war against them was pretty much over with the and the government knew where he was the whole time they just wanted to wait for the perfect time to execute him QED Obama being reelected a second term. It may not seem like it to much of us but now alot of people have forgotten what obama has done in the past because now hes "the guy who killed bin laden". Back on topic we personally haven't been bombed by al qaeda since 9/11 so I don't think we were in much danger after we went over there and killed sadam.

As to the whole genocide thing killing one guy doesn't kill the group it just makes it weaker. They aren't gone maybe they are just a little unorganized, or perhaps they have a new leader entirely.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Originally Posted by PinkwafflesFTW View Post
Theres gonna be another terrorist just like him or maybe even better.

Lol maybe even better? wtf lmao i think u mean worse?
Originally Posted by GodOfPink View Post
Lol maybe even better? wtf lmao i think u mean worse?

It could be a nicer, more charismatic, less of an asshole who actually seeks to improve the world through terrible means, although that is highly unlikely. Bin Laden's death has great significance, as he stood as the head of all things 'evil' in the world, and it let the other douchebags know that they aren't safe at all, and they will die if they continue to attempt to commit crime.
At the very least it shows that the US will break international laws in order to assassinate targets in their own bedroom, and that they value revenge over justice.

I wonder, who will be the US's next "big bad" to fight against?

Disgust for America increases.