The significance(or lack therein) of the death of Osama Bin Laden
So this did indeed happen a good amount of time ago, but I never saw anyone make a thread on this topic. So, as it would be interesting to hear the views of others upon this topic, I'm making this thread.
To give a bit of background on this, for thsoe who do not know, Osama Bin Laden was located and subsequently killed on May 2, 2011. My question is, what is the significance of this event? Moreover, how much of a victory is it really, for anyone opposing Al Qaeda? True, he was an infamous man, and masterminded many nefarious plans, but how much did his death really effect the war on terrorism? I, personally believe that while his death dealt a temporary shock to the terrorists, it will have almost no lasting effect that will assist us. True, they lost their leader, but how long until someone steps up to replace him, a man perhaps even worse than him, and with all the terrorists enraged at his death, he could succeed in even worse crimes than his predecessor. Discuss this with me, and if you would, don't just agree, give your own opinion, or expand on mine, if that is what you need to do.