Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Hey guys my name is Brineon (Brianna in real life) and I love Toribash! I think I made an account like a year ago, but I couldn't remember the name

Well, a little about me. I'm 18, my favorite color is green and I live in Washington D.C. I also like listening to music and taking nice photos, even though my camera kind of sucks unfortunately. So yeah, that's about it. Happy to be here :3
Nice to meet you. If you have any questions, in-game or on forums, You can always PM me.

Everyone that has a red name are admins, and blue are s-mods, PM them if theres a problem.

Enjoy you stay ;o
Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
Nice to meet you. If you have any questions, in-game or on forums, You can always PM me.

Everyone that has a red name are admins, and blue are s-mods, PM them if theres a problem.

Enjoy you stay ;o

Thank you

Originally Posted by culapou View Post
If you need any "help" you can always pm me.

Um sure haha
culapou, get some popcorn and prepare your magnify glass. (if you know what I mean).

Anyways, welcome to Toribash Community, Brineon.
Read FAQ if you have any question about the functionality of forum and such and don't forget to post nicely.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Welcome, this might help you in your journey trough the forums.

Read those before posting at any thread.... Be sure to check out the FAQ board in Beginner Sanctuary near to this board....
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
I thought I would throw in some more things, since your new, not sure if you have friends, try joining this Clan, its great for newer members

If you want to learn things like, judo, aikido, wushu, try joining this org

And if you want to learn the joys of single player, and be able to "rape" uke, join this

And you can join all of them, theres no limitations on joining orgs, but some people don't like "Double Clanners"

Once again, enjoy your stay.