[S]Hyde's masterful avatar|signature|banner request shop
All orders will be taken seriously.
Well, I've decided that you are all now-worthy of my godly godliness. Therefore I made a rather cheap, yet amazing-quality shop.
Avatars, depending on quality and size, will cost you 1k-3k. You may pay me whatever you wish, depending on how much you like it. Banners will cost anywhere between 5k-30k, depending on the size and quality. Again, you may pay me whatever you wish, depending on how much you like it. As for signatures, 1k+, depending on how much you like it.
Package deals: Avatar + Signature = both for the price of a signature.
Copy the form:
Type: (Avatar, signature, banner)
Your budget:
Size: (150x150, and so forth)
Details: (Be specific)