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iPhone 5!

This CG iPhone 5 has advanced iPhone features such as a sleeker iPhone design, a laser keyboard & holographic display all rolled into this iPhone 5 video.
Hai Der n00b!! :3
funny because of everyone Apple is the least likely to start using holographic displays or laser keyboards...

Expect such features on Sony phones well before, since they already have investments in those areas.

We have been asking for computers with non-physical peripherals for ages argh! Please give me virtual keyboards and touchscreens and virtual output already!
This looks cool. Although I wouldn't just get the phone because it was so thin it would be easy to snap and it would have very low battery life because of having such a small battery + holographic display. Man I wonder if Android are preparing for this.
I'm quite doubtful of this. Even apple is so stupid as to add a holographic keyboard.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Would be cool but to me that would be more of a novelty feature that wouldn't get enough use to warrant the most likely sty high price. Also the battery would suck nuts
Something that thin would be retarded. It would break in your pocket when you sat down. Besides, I'm done with apple. I could care less if this was real.