Original Post
Smooth, my first.
My first realish looking move of the non Jump-smash variety.
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Krin_Smooth.rpl (52.1 KB, 24 views)
Re: Smooth, my first.
The name "smooth" is a bit of a misnomer considering you break your own foot off, but very nice replay. :P
Re: Smooth, my first.
I have to agree with that other guy, if it was "smooth", you would've only touched uke's head with your foot, and you wouldn't kick his arm off in the mix...

Either way, it was a really nice kick.
Re: Smooth, my first.
This is smooth. Well the replay is jumpy but the moves are cool
Attached Files
another owner4tion.rpl (44.2 KB, 13 views)
Re: Smooth, my first.
I meant the move was supposed to be something a real human could do, not just extend there ankles, fling there chest muscles and bring up their shoulders..wait a few seconds until they come down from this awesome jump they managed to do with JUST THEIR ANKLES!! ... and then we bring the shoulders down now...apply some super glue to hands... annd .. POP! There goes this random guy's head.

And yes, evil teh jumpy!