Original Post
[S] An inventory worth a few millions :3
There ain't much you can't find from this inventory. 512 texts, flames, joints from 100 to 75k.

Offers stupidos shall be ignored or ridiculed in latin.

Go to thread tools: 'Subscribe to this thread' and you'll notice when I've responded.

Tc or USD - or PM me for item offers - PM

Last edited by Jire; Oct 16, 2011 at 09:55 AM.
Acid force 4k
3 helios forces, 3.5k each
2 Vampire laxes, 3.5k each
All 20k
Keep it CoolNCrispy
<3 Blackacezi Jire MocroGunz <3
Would you take USD at all?
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Breast,left hand,left leg,left thigh,right hand,right leg and right thigh.
"no sir i did not scam that player"
Tendacen all 28k

Hobomoose yes.

iRookie nope.

RepentNow your snova or mine?

voice 3.5k

I'll have to change what I want to buy and sell so I'll close this thread and create a new one. Stay tuned.
Last edited by Jire; Oct 16, 2011 at 10:00 AM.