Original Post
Kick the head AND a lethal side kick
Here's my first. He Rips his head off. And kicks it.

Pleas rate (number)/ 10

The Side kick happened in a live fight, It was pretty cool
Attached Files
Kick the Head.rpl (31.2 KB, 65 views)
leathalsidekick.rpl (20.7 KB, 49 views)
No, it's not Hawkinz, Sparrow Hawk, Sgt.Hawk, or any other Hawk out there. It's Hawk. The original. Period.
Re: Kick the head AND a lethal side kick
Welcome to the forums.

The first one is easy and not very amazing, but that multiplayer kick was awesome! You ripped him right apart! :o

Good job. ^.^
Re: Kick the head AND a lethal side kick
I couldn't resist giving your kick a little more umpf. So here ya go!
Attached Files
HawksHeadKick_Edit.rpl (46.8 KB, 28 views)
thanks for givung me credit & posting it here instead of copying.

karma +

(even though i dunno how to add to karma)
No, it's not Hawkinz, Sparrow Hawk, Sgt.Hawk, or any other Hawk out there. It's Hawk. The original. Period.
Re: thanks
Originally Posted by Hawk
thanks for givung me credit & posting it here instead of copying.

karma +

(even though i dunno how to add to karma)

Once you've done 20 posts, you'll start to be to control other people's karma. MUHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!