Original Post
[QS]Full Crimson Set

Please keep all bids serious

Crimson Force is Sold
Last edited by alikambe10; Nov 1, 2011 at 09:37 AM.
A SMod Team Moderated Message:
alikambe10 is a fag
20k excluding the sold force
A SMod Team Moderated Message:
alikambe10 is a fag
I can offer u Crimson Force for 3.3k to make the set complete.
Theres full crimson in market for 18k with force, so 6k is a very high offer. Just saying.
Keep it CoolNCrispy
<3 Blackacezi Jire MocroGunz <3
Tristan i prefer tc (:
A SMod Team Moderated Message:
alikambe10 is a fag
hamza : 15k
tristan: no item si vous plait
A SMod Team Moderated Message:
alikambe10 is a fag