[Death Plague] ynvaser's Road to Glory!
Sooo, hello guys
I'll save you guys all the crappiness of an epic opening speech, and get down straight to business.
My current goal is to be Rank 1 in Toribash.
Fuck yes, epic goal. But I think I can pull it off. I'll post status updates here about my progress, that we can discuss, too, in further detail. I'll lead the first post like a diary of sorts, with dates and amount of progress earned that day. I'll also mention my ranking in wushu3.tbm, my favourite mod seperately.
2011 November 6
-Well, the log of my progress has started. I'm pretty proud of what I've achieved so far.
wushu3.tbm rank:
4 (1646.42)
Global Rank:
61 (1678.57)
2011 November 15
-So, I've been playing a little wushu today. Had a streak of about 15. I had to stop since I'm taking part in an english language competition today. Might continue later today. My global rank gained a huge boost, while I'm rank 3 in wushu3 again.
wushu3.tbm rank:
3 (1653.66)
Global Rank:
47 (1683.26)
2011 November 19
-I'm making some progress.
wushu3.tbm rank:
2 (1662.99)
Global Rank:
36 (1686.66)
2011 November 20
-Rank 1 in one of the most professional mods to date. I feel like i won a fucking paralympics... sorta. xD
wushu3.tbm rank:
1 (1667.52) FUCK YES
Global Rank:
31 (1689.63)
Last edited by ynvaser; Nov 20, 2011 at 06:56 PM.