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Ps3 bundles
Hey guys. I'm planning on getting my ps3 because I am tired of the 360.
I don't know witch bundle to buy. Please help.

Smack bitches

Yeah, there's PS3 slims dude.
Get you one!

Go for the highest GBs you can get without it being too expensive for you.
In my opinion the amount of GBs doesn't really matter cus you wouldnt use it all up anyway. I my self have a 160gb one and stilll have soooooo much memory and no idea what do with it aw ye
Me Gusta
Originally Posted by Unverified View Post
In my opinion the amount of GBs doesn't really matter cus you wouldnt use it all up anyway. I my self have a 160gb one and stilll have soooooo much memory and no idea what do with it aw ye

True, I too have an unfilled 160gb PS3 slim.
However, it sounds more impressive when you say you own a PS3 with a higher gb storage capacity :P

Also pirates need it.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
True, I too have an unfilled 160gb PS3 slim.
However, it sounds more impressive when you say you own a PS3 with a higher gb storage capacity :P

Also pirates need it.

i have 250Gb and its full need to delete somethings
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