Original Post
[Tex]New tablet.1st drawing go.
Hello, guys. Tablet is not new really.. but i didnt use.

This is 1st sketch. CnC please (:

p.s. oh.. future colors :

for helmet - vulcan or hunter (but lighter)
for skin - old gold or olive

Final decision for helmet is vulcan
Final decision for skin is kevlar (!!! O_o)





How it looks ingame 512*512

patch 1.0

spinning sphere


right - new

Last edited by Maldret; Jan 15, 2012 at 02:31 AM.
I like it, but have you checked the mapping? I think eyes are a bit too far away
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
Thank you, guys
Im still working on it, but have less time..



pic above ear is not complete yet

What do u think about colors?

And should i change shading or it looks not bad?
Last edited by Maldret; Jan 4, 2012 at 10:55 PM.
Amazing job on the coloring and shading besides the eye and below,nails is well done.above the eye you over did it with the white,i can see u used pate's tut probably.good job overall,just fix the smuged white above the eye
William, thanx ;p
,i can see u used pate's tut probably

what is it, first of all?

Aitor, u are right : D
It was falmer when i started, but i create made some changing (:
Last edited by Maldret; Jan 4, 2012 at 11:12 PM.