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Wushu Opening
A big obstacle for bashers new to the great mode of wushu is surviving the opening. Most good wushu players have strong, intricate opening moves, so if you just do something random you will likely get hurt badly by a good opener.

Another issue is that, perhaps more than in other modes, it is 'frowned upon' to use the original moves of other players.

I took it upon myself to learn this mode and have constructed an opener of sorts that I have used for a few days and feel confident in. I would like to make it available to anyone who would like to use it, to the end of helping more people get started in wushu.

A few things first:
1. This is more a system then a single move. The point of the opener is to be in a decent position on the 2nd turn and improvise from there. I do include a few specific examples of continuations, but if you use them without thinking or adjusting to the situation... You would be better off having no opening at all.
2. I focussed on aggression and flexibility. I don't like to play passively, as many people play passively and this can lead to a drawish situation if neither player attacks.
3. I really wanted it to be easy on the first turn. In tk I have to make 20+ clicks before the first turn on some openings and I want a break in wushu

  1. relax all.
  2. hold both shoulders and elbows
  3. right rotate chest
  4. contract both hips and left pec
  5. extend right pec

On the second turn, I usually reverse the pecs and chest, and then adjust the legs to aim a kick of some type, but there are tons of things you can do from here.

Variations for the second turn include:
  • contract right pec
  • extend left pec
  • left rotate chest
  • extend hips, glutes, left knee and left ankle

This creates a nice long-reaching kick supported by your arm. I use arm-support variants to hit people that played the first turn very passively (hopefully). The first replay is an example of this.

Another option on the 2nd turn is:
  • contract right pec
  • extend left pec
  • left rotate chest
  • relax both hips
  • extend right knee and abs
  • *and* aim kick with left hip/knee, glutes, ankles

How you manage your left hip and/or glutes can put this kick just about exactly where you want it to go. In the second replay (I picked since it is the simplest), I just hold the right glute. this creates a nice kick and still leaves you fairly relaxed.

But don't be limited to these! I scanned 40+ replays to find good examples and nearly all of them were at least somewhat different. Adjust and mod any way you feel comfortable and feel free to post ideas or improvements you come up with.
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
Very nice move.
Seems like a few more moves could be made off of the opener.
I am going to, now, go experiment, as that is the greatest feature of this game.
Yes, the opener is really only the first turn, and it's fairly easy to improvise from, I think. For example, if you're about to get rocked there are a lot more defensive continuations that work well also, and I didn't even get into how the neck and arms affect things.

Let me know if you turn anything genius please!
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
Very interesting. I would like to try this move out
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
So, this was the move/opener you were perfecting when I was fighting you in that wushu server?

Or was that something else?
Thanks for the comments and feedback, guys. Chronos, yeah this is that one.
Thanks CM, glad to hear it! See you in wooshoes attached a replay from a fight with this that shows one of the many chase/comeback avenues.
Attached Files
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
Yes, bumping a old thread, however, I think this thread deserves it.

This move is a great asset to those of us still learning the ways of wushu :P.

Kudos, madmanmad, for releasing it to the public.

Useful or not its an old thread to bump.... ~avwave
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
nice... here's another good move that i use sometimes...

hold all
relax both elbows
extend right glute, abs and left pec
contract left pecs, left glute, left ankle and right knee
left rotate chest
left bend lumbar

space one time

extend left hip, right knee, both ankles.
contract right glute and left pecs
right rotate chest.

I dont have any replays with this move atm but ill use a replay ive got with that move, but with some changes to it.
Attached Files
Jammy_StabberzFUCKINGOWNED.rpl (107.1 KB, 303 views)
Tha BAWZ need no introduction!