Original Post
[S][A]Awesome set by LWafflez and Yiazmat Full 512!!!!!
Today i am selling my actual set. Original from LWafflez and Yiazmat. As you can see in the screens the size of the set is 512x512. The colors of that set are purple and pure. I can not recolour but i can resize it to 256x256 and 128x128. This set was made via request from Fachry and i bougth it from DarkG, I am also looking for a good amount of tc. I am willling to sell the set with full 512x512 items. I am accepting good sets in exchage, tc, high valeu items and more. This will be a sale an auction. Because you can buy the set w/o the full 512 or you can buy it with the full 512.

Here the set:

Size: 512x512
No recolour
Resize to 256x256 and 128x128
Artist: Head: LWafflez
Body: Yiazmat
Accepting: Sets, tc, flames, and items

Also i am accepting USD's

Here the set with the full 512x512 items.

StartBid: 450k
Min raise: 5k
Autobuy: 550k
End date 1 week after the last bid
Size: 512x512
No recolour
Resize to 256x256 and 128x128
Artist: Head: LWafflez
Body: Yiazmat
Accepting: Sets, tc, flames, and items

Extra information:


Do not spam in this thread
Do not post unseless
If you want to comment some do it via Pm
Do not make me mad
Do not be stupid
If you are going to offer use tags:

[S] If you are ofering to buy the set w/o items

[A] If you are ofering to buy the set with the full 512x512.

Thats all Good luck buying

And good luck Biding.
[Ethereal] | Toribash Gambling Org
ʏ ᴜ ɴᴏ ᴊoiɴ?
200k + toxic relax + full amber + shaman force + static relax + supernova force
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
I thnk that is too low for this awesome set.

Also guys if you are interesting to see that set in-game:

/dl took

/lp 0 took

Waiting for more offers.

Also no thanks drago. Don't interesting in those items.
[Ethereal] | Toribash Gambling Org
ʏ ᴜ ɴᴏ ᴊoiɴ?
40k for the set without the full 512x512 items

Edit: What's your price range?

Edit Edit: You spelled useless uneless by the way :l
Last edited by purangel; Jan 27, 2012 at 02:08 AM.
For the moment i do not have a price range.

I am going to wait for more offers.

I think that some people prefer to buy with the full 512x512 inclued then will wait some more offers.
[Ethereal] | Toribash Gambling Org
ʏ ᴜ ɴᴏ ᴊoiɴ?
Originally Posted by Took View Post
For the moment i do not have a price range.

I am going to wait for more offers.

I think that some people prefer to buy with the full 512x512 inclued then will wait some more offers.

Okay. So if no one else offers you'll sell it to me right?