Re: ehehe
red is the best, nice work on those, i like, rateings and reasons with improovements s posted:
BLACK: 6.5/10
it needs something extra in it, and the stray black line/wave thing isn't right, it bends to much...
but this is really nice with the wii there at a real size (most pics of the wii make it look big)
BLUE: 3/10
not so good, the wii can hardly be seen from the white all round it, and the blue is to plain. this is
your worst.
GREEN: 7/10
this is grate, i really like this, the "Wii" in the background is very effective, and it seems to blend
right in, this could be improoved with mabby a few leafs or branchs. but maybe not :P
RED: 7.5/10
this is the best no compatition, the red really looks like it's going into the CD drive, and the
background dosn't harsh out the image, improovement could be intersting patterns along the red...
make a border, a really nice border, with beval and all... that wii look cool :P
a good border will add 1.5 points to all of them.