Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Problems with refferal links
When I try and put a refferal on my website the picture dousnt show up its just got to hyper links there what am i doing wrong

p.s my website is
Upward climbs to success are fine, but downward spirals to destruction are way more fun.
it looks like your blog doesnt accept HTML input, maybe theres a certain way you use HTML in it? Like clicking something to input HTML?
well it was working perfectly before then it just suddenly stopped working it's really weird.
Upward climbs to success are fine, but downward spirals to destruction are way more fun.
one colony, free website hosting
Upward climbs to success are fine, but downward spirals to destruction are way more fun.
Right, after making a site on there, and adding a blog, I saw a little HTML Source button, click that and at the bottom add your refferal link.

Heres a pic with it poorly highlighted
thx dude thats a big help!
Upward climbs to success are fine, but downward spirals to destruction are way more fun.