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[Solved] Question
I couldn't find in the rules if I was allowed to trade runescape money for tc or opposite, please answer me.
dreamy suicide act
If in the rules dont say nothing i guess you can.
The guys of league of legends do it : /
If I remember correctly, that's not allowed. I can't seem to find it in the rules, perhaps someone could correct me or point out where it is, if it's in the rules somewhere.
For now, it's probably best not to do so and avoid a possible offense.
Originally Posted by Shigechio View Post
I agree with Hucota. However I must say people from LoL do it for Tc.

Nope, they don't sell their accounts, someone paid TC for people who leveled up on his referral, but that isn't allowed.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
<PTDx> someone asked if you can sell runescape gold or whatever it is for TC, is that allowed?
<Tim> No
<Tim> Trading of other game currency is not allowed

I guess not.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?