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Timeless games
So guys I've been replaying Wind Waker on the dolphin emulator in hd and it struck me, this game is timeless the graphics are the best I've seen the cell shaded look has lost nothing.

So that got me thinking what games do you consider timeless
not just in that they are nostalgically fun but if you were to pick them up today for the first time would still hold up.

so far I have:
Majora's mask: replayed recently even though i didn't like it as a child was far better then I remembered level above ocarina
Wind waker: the graphics blew me away this morning
Street fighter 3: third strike: fantastic controls solid mechanics and great speed make for a great fighting game the online edition was a great reminder of just how well this game has aged
Free Pv2Caribou
I'd have to add the PokéMon games into that list, the games were simply designed to be as they are, Gameboy graphics don't hold the games back in the slightest, and the games are still as fun as ever.
The Baldurs Gate series and Command and Conquer(most of them)
the first Halo game fits nicely into this category as well. The early soul calibur games (2&3) are pretty damn playable even now, for me at least nice mechanics and the graphics are just the right type of shiny/grainy to keep me happy.
The Pokémon games for N64 fits this description well.

Also in my opinion, Prince of Persia II: Warrior Within and Prince of Persia III: The Two Thrones, both for ps2 were known as the best PoP games ever made, for me theyre unforgettable.

meh heres a list of timeless games:

007: The World is not Enough (N64)
Super Mario 64
The Donkey Kong series for SNES
The early NFS games for Ps2
Pokemon games for Gameboy
Halo series
Killzone series
Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)
Shadow of the Colossus

...I want 1998 back...
Last edited by Sidvicious; Apr 23, 2012 at 11:20 AM.
see and I would say that red and blue are dated and do not hold up at all
whereas silver and gold are shining examples of timelessness
shadow of colossus is a yes from me
however I found ocarina just wasn't much compared to majora's mask
super mario 64 is meh in my books simply because it was an early 3d platformer and it feels clunky and odd
I thought halo was only good for bringing shooters to console gamers
counter strike was a far batter game

I couldn't stand the Pokemon 64 games the only console Pokemon I ever enjoyed was Colosseum. my advice if you want to fondly remember the n64 pokemon games do not go back and play them

my issue with morrowind is the same as with any elder scrolls game, the combat is too boring, that said morrowind is the best of TOC and probably deserves some place on the list especially with all the modding that has helped it.

and i want to mention KOTOR and KOTOR 2 (with mods) both are fantastic games and the best of the star wars games
Last edited by Orion; Apr 23, 2012 at 01:57 PM.
Free Pv2Caribou
Zelda, Ocarina and onwards... the sword combat has been completely killed by Skyward Sword. It just doesn't feel the same hitting enemies unless your swinging the sword yourself!
That said, the games themselves are still timeless.
me my brother and 2 friends have been playin Diablo 2 for the past few days
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
GUYS, you forgot one of the greatest video games ever made!!!

Don't tell me you guys have never head of Chrono Trigger?