Original Post
K, heres how it works, You guys make me a Killer Peanut head, it needs to be somewhat similar to my current peanut head, but better,and i will buy the best head for 5k! But this head better be worth that 5k!

Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
close... but not enough
wow! that looks great, but its not really the look i was going for, i'd like something with a bit larger more defined lines. but the face is DEAD ON!
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
Originally Posted by PNUT View Post
wow! that looks great, but its not really the look i was going for, i'd like something with a bit larger more defined lines. but the face is DEAD ON!

Thank you! You reffer something like this?
DoN't FoRgEt tO VisiT mY LiTTle HeaDShoP:
Edark's ToY ArT HeAdShOp

Hey, and watch all my work at Edark's Gallery
hmmm... thicker is good, but i make the lines darker too.. it needs to be more brown, that ones too red
Last edited by PNUT; Jun 5, 2008 at 05:20 AM.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
i warn you it wont look that great in game
it was glossed up, and its 512x512
but still looks cool :/
the god