Original Post
notin working speacilay shaders in the optins
hi guys well.... in my game optins i can put the softshadows, refleaktions,fluid blood ,and bump maping on but it dose not seem to do nothing to the game play. to make it be more spicifik there are no reflicktions , no really cool looking stof guys and it still says it is on. and when ever i turn my shaders on i always go back as soon as i turn them on to check...AND THERE OFF and i just turned them on. and if my shaders are on will every thing else work?!! and will i get that shiney kind off floor i always see in the picters off the game in othere peopoles game pics??!!
Last edited by bloody4617; Jun 7, 2008 at 02:31 PM.
Your computer cannot handle shaders.
The refclections and blood and stuff like that only affcts the gameplay if shaders is on.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
well how do i get it to handel it?

and i have every thing it says reqwierd for it.... how do i get it to work??

uhh ..... sry ive been so impationt so far

oh by the way my computer is not a labtop it is a window home computer . not vista but the newest non vista windows machien.

am i hope less or is there some way i can fix it??

User infracted for quadruple post

merged all 4 ┌nmilk┐
Last edited by nmilkosky; Jun 7, 2008 at 07:51 PM.
You're hopeless, especially if you QUADRUPLE post.

Try not to do that.
Btw, it seems as if your computer cannot handle shaders.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
lol nooooooo.. well i can tell you how much memory i have left on my computer and how much i started with if that hepled by an means possibul?

well i found out that i needed the newest version and i dont have the right kind of card

some one close this thread pls

Do not double post.
Last edited by suomynona; Jun 7, 2008 at 05:01 PM.