Original Post
Requesting Moves please
A basic template on what i should do in akimbo or Judo, mostly countering moves but i'm open to offensive moves
One Kick One Punch, and your done. but theirs always a counter ;D . ~Stango
I think part of the toribash experience is making your own opener and getting the feel of what each limb does. Therefore I think it is best that people do not learn openers from others.
I agree with the others... but as it is in my nature to oppose against others philosophy I will "throw" some of my favorite judo moves right at you!

Move Nr.1, "The Noobclap"
Hold all (press C),
contract both pecs,
grab both hands (press V).

Tis a quite hard move to master, but once you've done it, it kicks ass!

Move Nr.2, "The Hippie"
Hold all.

"As the peaceloving creature you are, you do not want to harm any other living being."

Move Nr.3, "The vegetable"

"There has been no survivors of this move, no one knows of the catastrophic consequences it causes, few know how to execute it, all they know is that it is named The Vegetable."

I hope these handpicked moves will grant you many great victories,

Dill, please do not post this stuff. These people need to learn moves by themselves.
Plus "The Hippie" is not a move, neither is "The Vegetable".
This is a quite hard move to master, but once you've done it, it kicks ass!

You cannot "master" this move. It is just so simple. If i had to rate your post i would rate it 2/10. Sorry Dill.

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Please don't criticize others if they are trying to help.
Thank you.
Last edited by Hero; Jun 26, 2012 at 10:39 AM.