Original Post
[A]uction place
k auctions.

Start Bid: 14k
Min Raise: 500tc
Autobuy: 17k
End Date: 24 Hours and 69 Seconds after the last valid bid.

(FPT x3)
Start Bid: 10k
Min Raise: 500tc
Autobuy: 15k
End Date: 24 Hours and 69 Seconds after the last valid bid.

Start Bid: 25k
Min Raise: 1k
Autobuy: 37.5k
End Date: 24 Hours and 69 Seconds after the last valid bid.

Payments must be in TC, Items or Flames.
for items and flames, i shall decide how much it is worth.
if no one has bidded on the item, and you want me to lower the start bid, pm me.

Pending Payments:
- Yammi 5k for Full Juryo
-Voicelence 58k for 2x Demo lax

Last edited by Sage; Jul 16, 2012 at 04:59 PM.
Like a lie
k you both are winners, send the tcs and you'll receive the items.

also, added 2 new items,
Like a lie
Alienkid... really? you autobuy with 18k not 12k you are just battling for it right now... at least give him the money for autobuy before you post in scam reports... and btw im not a mod or something... (just a normal player)
Originally Posted by maxamb View Post
Alienkid... really? you autobuy with 18k not 12k you are just battling for it right now... at least give him the money for autobuy before you post in scam reports... and btw im not a mod or something... (just a normal player)

Ok first of all I won it and I sent the 12k already
Originally Posted by koor View Post
He has been inactive because of life... don't worry the problem can be solved.

When he gets back he can send it also if you look at his profile page you can see if he has been online recentely or not.