Original Post
Tori part damage ratings
So I've been around a while but have a pretty basic question. Does anyone know where to find information on the relative damage each body part takes? Clearly the head takes the most damage, but it seems that all the other parts have different ratings as well. Thanks!
I'm not quite sure, but it seems like the size of the joint also matters. For example, a pec receives more damage than wrists because it is bigger.
Originally Posted by toribash manual
Toribash uses location based damages. Hitting head causes most damage.
Feet, Hands, Knees and Elbows does not take any damage.

A hit bodypart turns red. The deeper the red the more damage thats been done.

Last edited by Hero; Jul 19, 2012 at 06:39 PM.
Hmm I didn't know that about joint size. Maybe that's true. I also didn't know knees and elbows don't take damage.

It seems like there has to be info more specific than in that quote somewhere.