[Sigma] Sigma - The Sum of all Sigma
This is an information thread apparently, one day there might be information here.
...surf is da bestest
... tart is da bestestest (>surf)
...Gum wuz heer
wait yes i can ~fresh
...dicks dicks dicks ~Stick
..penispenis ~virtu
carl says no you cannot join
Am I... alive? ~Tom'
Why am I writing something here? ~Gum
jeez guys l2formatting ~swarf
date: May 19, 2013. ~boomer
is there anybody out there - peteybt
anonymous person lolz
fuck da police, comin' straight from the underground ~HiVoltage
Ice Ice Baby~Mathias
Last edited by Swarfiga; Feb 8, 2015 at 02:33 AM.