I hear... muffins.. they, they call to me...
The replay:
I really liked the opener, nice and smooth, pretty stylish.
The spin after it was actually fairly cool. It wasnt a corkscrew, but it was cool.
The first kick for the manip was really really cool.
The actually mainipulation, I'm sorry to say, wasn't very good in my opinion. You kept him in the air (for a little bit), but it seemed uke was also keeping you in the air. You were ragdolling all over the place! Especially from 600 to around 400.. (Also, you kept your elbow contracted and shoulder extended for 75 frames... any joint you're not using, relax it, unless it messes up what you're doing)
Try to keep him in the air as much as you can before you hit him. Dont let him fall flat on his face/back, otherwise attacks might not be as effective and they definitely won't look as good.
The first dm hit was SOOOOOOO damn sexy.. totally took me by surprise... but the set up was pretty sloppy..
The boom was really nice. The setup to this was very very very cool.
But after it, you just relaxed and fell into the pose (the pose was awesome though). Dont just relax all after you think you're done doing damage, maybe do a trick, or find your feet a little bit. Ragdoll only looks good in very few cases, not in replay making.
Overall though, I think that the replay was pretty cool. You seem to know how to damage, you just need to apply some tori-control to it.
Last edited by Muffin; Sep 8, 2012 at 09:40 AM.