This Clan was brought together by friends.
They are on a mission to make new friends
and bring everyone closer.
> Forum Rules
1. Be active
2. No useless post.
3. Don't go offtopic.
4. Swearing is tolerated, unless it's the only content in your posts.
> Game Rules
1, Be a fair player. Behave like You would like to be treaten.
2. Don't quit fights just because you're losing.
3. Don't flame others. When someone else starts, without a reason, show him that you are better by not fighting.
The one and only group in clan that has all the powers
and can use them on all members, including Councils.
Incitec - Orange belt
The council is like the Co-leaders of the clan.
They are like the right hand man to the leader.
Guitarhero123 - 7th Dan Black belt - AFK
Regular Members
Members can rank up by doing good things for the clan itself
and being active. Also - be patient.
Do not ask about rank up.
First rank members:
Second rank members:
Torieraser - Black Belt
Third rank members:
Sub-ranks info:
Rank 1 members - newcomers
Rank 2 members - folks being known in clan, showing respect and friendly behaving
Rank 3 members - trusted guys, knowing everybody in clan, active on forum