Original Post
[S/B/T] Listed items


-Tyrian Force
-Tyrian Blood
-Pharos User Text
-Viridian Blood


-Persian Relax
-Persian Grip
-Persian Right Hand Motion Trail
-Persian Hair Color
-Aurora Hair Color
-Viridian Hair Color
-Almost Full Orc (just the misc, without joints)

I won't buy/sell items which aren't listed above.
I can also trade the items I'm selling for the items I'm buying, I might add tc if needed, just offer.
Last edited by Rafael; Sep 12, 2012 at 04:50 PM.
Sold the full trails but i have still the trails complete in the orc set and you can offer first then we haggle
700tc for everything in the orc set without hair color and right hand motion trail (because there's two of them, I just need one).